On first glance, these puzzles seem somewhat ill-formed and flimsy, but I have found them to be fairly precisely made and surprisingly robust. The boxes are frequently colorful with artistic graphics and entertaining illustrations. Some people collect vintage French boxed puzzles simply for the box artwork.
In his 1990 book issued by L'art de L'enfance entitled "Petits Jeux et Casse Tete de la Belle Epoque" (Small Games and Puzzles of the Golden Age) (ISBN 2910067173), Yves Rifaux lists 136 French boxed puzzles manufactured during the period between 1878 and 1914. Several addendums bring the total to over 200 items. Rifaux covers many types of puzzles beyond the vintage French tanglements to which this section is devoted, including for instance many dexterity and logic puzzles. Rifaux numbers almost all the puzzles he covers sequentially starting with #1, and though he classifies each puzzle he does not group them, so unfortunately they are intermixed by type throughout the numbering scheme. Also, the body of the book and the addendums describe some puzzles which are not assigned a number in the sequence. Rifaux's book contains very poor monochrome photocopies of images of puzzle box covers, pieces, and instructions. Nonetheless, Rifaux's book was the first source I found that has a comprehensive catalogue of French Boxed puzzles and it helped me understand what is available. I have used it as the basis for organizing my collection shown below.
Several books are available from the website Collection Imagerie des jeux. I purchased "Les Casse-tete recreatifs a la 'Belle Epoque'" - by Geneviève Perrot and Françoise Mahy. It is a compendium documenting vintage French boxed puzzles of all types. That website links to an online collection: COLLECTION DE JEUX ANCIENS. To see wire puzzles, go to the article on: les casse-tete fil de fer posted by collector Alain Koli (Rabussier).
In their book, Perrot and Mahy include 32 wire and string puzzles on pages 52 through 57 under the category "Jeux de Patience et d'Adresse" and call them "Les patiences Fil de Fer" and "cordelette." The images are in color and include box covers and puzzles but are rather small. The Koli article shows a more complete selection of the wire puzzles issued by various brands.
Italian puzzle collector Dario Uri issued a book about his own collection, entitled "Compendium of French Boxed Puzzles 1860-1930." Dario very kindly sent me a copy. Uri documents 680 puzzles across all categories, most with color photos (though like me, he has salvaged some internet photos). Organized by brand.
The table below shows my collection of French Boxed Wire Puzzles. I have managed to collect images of almost all of the tanglement puzzles Rifaux mentions, though I own only those with the name shown in bold. In the first portion of the table, I have ordered the puzzles by Rifaux's number. When we get to those puzzles Rifaux does not cover, I have ordered them alphabetically by name. Thanks to Sylvie and Gilles Legrand for the use of many photos!Many of the tanglement designs were issued by more than one brand, appearing with somewhat different box graphics and occasionally a different name. I have not attempted to collect (or illustrate below) all the varieties of each basic puzzle. However, I have attempted to cross-reference my four sources and for each puzzle list the brand(s) that issued it and for each issue in which source I found it referenced.
My sources agree that the primary brands include (with their two- or three-letter codes):
To recap, my sources are (with my one- or two-letter codes):
#7 La Croix Lorraine MD - K, R7, U006 JJF - K, U638 (aka Les Croix Ensorcelees) LJR - K, U312, U517 (aka La Croix Endiablee) LJR - K |
#12 Le Bracelet de Cleopatre MD - K, R12, U011 JJF - K, U582 NK - K, U652 |
#18 Le Bon Geolier MD - PM53, U018 JJF - K, R18, U017 (aka La Balance de Themis) NK - U630 (aka Le Mauvais Gardien) LJR - K, U524 |
#21 L'Embarras du Charpentier MD - K, PM55, R21, U020 JJF - K, U581 |
#40 Les Deux Coeurs Inseparables MD - K JJF - K, PM52, R40, U041 |
#42 Le Divorce NK - K, PM52, R42, U043 La Question du Divorce MD - K, U196 JJF - K, U395 |
#57 Comment Nous Separer MD - R57, U061 VW - U556 |
[Same puzzle as Les Crochets du Diable.] [BUT - Perrot/Mahy show this as a traditional six-piece burr] |
#59 le Porte Veine - Jeu Amusant JJF - K, R59, U063, U584 (aka L'Embarras du Charcutier) LJR - K, U525 |
#61 Le Forgeron Embarrasse JJF - K, R61, U065 |
#63 Le Chasseur et sa Casquette JJF - K, R63, U067 |
#65 Une Etoile dans le Croissant MD - K, U643 JJF - K, PM56, R65, U070 |
#66 Mon Cousin Tireliboudin SC - K, U208 MD - K, U374 JJF - K, PM52, R66, U071 (aka Mon Ami Jean Barressort) LJR - K, U539 |
#79 La Question Velocipedique SC - K, PM55, U460 MD - K, R79 JJF - K, U087 |
#93 Le Dragon et son Casque JJF - K, PM54, R93, U098 (aka Le Sabre du Cuirassier) LJR - K, U528 (aka Le Cavalier et Son Sabre) LJR - U632 |
#105 La Bouteille Infernale SC - K, U461 JJF - K, PM57, R105, U102 |
#106 Le Souci de l'Artilleur MD - K, U103 JJF - K, PM54, R106, U104 (aka L'Embarras du Marin) NK - K, U321 (aka Le Tracas de l'Artilleur) LJR - K, U438 |
#107 Le Canon et son Obus JJF - K, R107, U105 |
#108 L'Automobile SC - K, U580 JJF - K, PM55, R108, U106 |
#109 Quelques Tours dans une Boite JJF - R109, U107 | [no image] | [set of metal tangles (2 or 4)] |
#144 Delivrez Mon E S'il Vous Plait MD - K, PM57, U417 JJF - K, R144, U152 (aka Delivrez Mon Nez) LJR - K |
(A3.x) Le Petit Porte Veine SC - K, RA3.X, U462 MD - K JJF - U174 |
#160 La Question Marocaine NK - K, R160, U158 |
#166 Les Crochets du Diable SC - PM57 JJF - U583 NK - K, PM57, R166, U654 VW - U469 Francois Pfeiffer - U320 (aka Les Crochets Inseparables) RT - K, U503 |
#207 L'Embarras du Terrassier JJF - K, PM55, R207, U181 |
#208 La Botte Prisonniere JJF - K, R208, U182 |
#209 Question du Transvaal MD - U648 JJF - K, R209, U183 LJR - U646 |
#210 Le Bonnet Phrygien MD - K, U184 JJF - K, PM54, R210, U319 LJR - K, U510 |
(C10) Le Wagon Porte Torpille NK - K, PM54, U135, U434 |
The puzzles below do not appear in Rifaux...
Agathe et Bernardine WX - PM56 (aka [Les Clefs de] Paul et Virginie) SC - K JJF - K, PM52, U366 |
Baguenaudier | ||
Coeur Captif ou la Clef du Coeur NK - U365 | [no image] | [heart on trapeze bar shaped like key] |
Delivrez Mon Coeur (metal version) JJF - K, U209 |
Delivrez Mon Coeur (wood & string) NK - PM52, U050 (aka La Delivrance) VW - U415 (aka Un Coeur en Peine) VW - U351 |
Jeu Arabe WX - U491 | [no image] | [Imperial Scale] |
L'Anneau Magique JJF - K, U226 |
L'Anneau Prisonnier MD - K, PM53, U186 JJF - K, U579 |
L'E Prisonnier SC - K, U318 |
L'Embarras du Geometre LJR - K, U515 |
L'Etoile du Berger MD - K, U572 JJF - K, PM56, U265 (aka A la Conquete des Poles) LJR - K, U685 |
L'Etoile Prisonniere RT - K, U498 |
[star and garter] |
La Bague Prisonniere LJR - K, U512 |
[ring on spring] |
La Croix du Sahara NK - K, U679 |
La Croix du Sud JJF - K, U223 |
La Croix Mysterieuse JJF - K, PM54, U257 |
La Lanterne dans la Lune SC - U084 JJF - K, PM56, U254 |
La Question de la Balance LJR - K, U511 | [no image] | [multi-link like Uncle's Trapeze] |
La Question de la Coutouriere LJR - K, U518 | [no image] | [multi-link like Uncle's Trapeze] |
La Question du Pince-Nez LJR - K, U514 | [no image] | [no image] |
La Triple Alliance | ||
Le Bracelet du Sauvage LJR - K, U214 |
Le Bracelet Egyptien NK - K, PM53, U329, U619 |
[ring on spring] |
Le Coeur Prisonnier JJF - K, U367 (aka Le Coeur Torture) LJR - K, U513 |
Le Fer a Cheval WX - U314 |
Le Lien Soudanais MD - PM52, U189 JJF - RA2 (aka Le Noeud Kabyle) WX - U490 (aka Le Noeud Gordien) NK - U269 (?) |
Le Noeud Gordien WX - PM53, U489 MD - PM53 NK - PM53 | [no image] | [ring, string, wood flat] |
Le Porte Bonheur NK - K, U256 | [no image] | [similar to Porte-Veine, simplified head] |
Les Anneaux Diaboliques MD - K, PM57, U188 JJF - K, U187 (aka Le Cercle Diabolique) LJR - K, U526 |
Les Cercles d'Archimède SC - K, PM53, U356 | [no image] | [triangle and three circles] |
Les Deux Entetes LJR - K, U516 | [no image] | [two stag heads] |
Question Romaine WX - U585 RT - K, U505 |